Rise of Modernity

For many of us, modernity seems to be the latest trend. But, I will tell you it started from the 16th century. Modernity of the 16th-18th century underwent reformation & revival. Many of the phenomena that we are experiencing today have a long history to discuss. The ideas of capitalism(an era of free market), industrialization(the development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale), secularism (personal choice in religion), rationalism(belief in reason) has been storming the masses for better life.

The concept of Universality, reason, scientific observations, theism, enlightenment is defined and redefined for the better outlook of minds. Classical modernity is observed till the end of 19th century in Immanuel Kant Theory of Enlightenment.

The concept of post modernism(late 20th century) is also well explained in the subject such as sociology and philosophy. These are Multi-Cultural-ism(harmonious coexistence of different cultures), idealism(reality is independent of perception), individualism( freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control) and Marxism(a political and economic way of organizing society, where the workers own the means of production).

Modernity has observed the decrease in the power of God and increase in the power of individuals. The present day modernity has experienced liberalism, feminism,post colonialism reforms, cultural modernity and consumerism( where consumer has been given the pleasure to consume and derive pleasure).

My idea of Modernity is to fit in the changes and grow in the path of development. Modernity isn’t a one time process, it is itself a journey which includes all of us.


  1. Insights from Dr. Alok Tandon’s Talk: Professor Dayakrishna’s Philosophy on Freedom – PhiloTreat Avatar

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